Baroll 1.03 04/02/2000 (C)2000 Robin Burrows. All Rights Reserved. Everything by me except spot sound effects (which are PD). Disclaimer: By using this software you agree that you do so at your own risk, and will assume full responsibility for anything that may occur. You also agree that the author will not be held responsible for anything that may occur. Licence: This may be freely distributed as long as you are not profitting from it and this zip archive and the contents (including when unzipped) remains unaltered. This is the DirectX version, a DOS version should also be available. Unzipping: ========== IMPORTANT: You must unzip with paths preserved! With pkunzip you must use the -d option. You should get a BDATA subfolder when you unzip it. TechStuff and Bugs: =================== If it doesn't work, try updating your video and sound drivers, in particular, the current Nvidia Detonator drivers have problems. Also the Voodoo3 drivers only appear to work properly with fliptype=3 If you get flickery graphics, or it doesn't start, in the textfile BDATA\BPREFS.TXT change fliptype: fliptype=0 Default, pageflip, best. fliptype=3 Double buffer. Slow, but very compatible Change it with Notepad if you want. mousespeed=1 You can change this in the options in the game, but if for some reason the mouse is too slow, change to: mousespeed=0 and it will use the Windows defaults. Win 95 users, you may get a message about 'DCOM', just OK it. This doesn't happen on Win 98, you may want to do what it suggests, but the game will run OK anyway. I am on my 3rd sound library, MIDAS (see licence at bottom of text). If you have any bugs etc email me. Options: ======== These are fairly obvious, Baroll now comes with two level sets (and you can add more), toggle between them with the Levels button. Mousespeed. The higher it is the slower the mouse this takes effect immediately so try it on the options sreen. Music and Sound effects volume, try them and see. Brightnesses, best left on default, but change if you have trouble seeing things ingame. These only affect ingame graphics. Ingame Keys: ============ F1 toggles pause ESC quits A accelerates time by a factor of 4 while A is pressed F10 takes a screenshot Playing Instructions: ===================== The object is to get a certain number of barrels from one or more starting locations to one or more end locations. When you start a level, there is no shame attached to pausing it and working out a plan... The starting locations show how many barrels are contained, and the direction the next barrel will go as a green arrow. If there are red arrows, these will go green in a clockwise direction, just play a few games to see. When there is less than 10 seconds until a barrel appears, a clock shaped timer will appear. The end locations show how many barrels are required, and from which directions barrels will be accepted from with inward pointing green arrows (you can use any of them to deliver barrels). There may be a time limit on how long you can take to get a barrel to an 'end', when there are 30 seconds left, a timer will appear. If you fail to get a barrel to it and time runs out, it's game over. You control where the barrels go by moving bits of path. Move your mouse to any area where a green hexagon appears and click the left mouse button to pick it up, you can now move it to any clear area and left click to put it down. You can 'swap' the selected piece with another (the hexagon round the mouse pointer turns yellow) by clicking on another piece, the two pieces will be exchanged, but this will incur a short time penalty (mouse pointer turns into hourglass) before you can move more pieces. If you select a piece, but deicde you don't want to move or exchange it, click it again to deselect, there is no time penalty. The hexagon round the mouse pointer will turn red if you cannot move a piece, this is usually when there is a time penalty, or a barrel is on the source or destination area. When a barrel gets to an end location, and enters at a point with an arrow, you get points depending on how far the barrel rolled. For the first section, you get 1 point, this doubles for every additional section travelled until 512 points, the next section will bring the total to 1000 points, a further 1000 points is scored for every section after that. The points will be displayed at the point the barrel enters the end. You can still dock barrels at an end that has '0' required (arrows are red) and get the points for it, but beware about running out of barrels for other ends... If a barrel collides with another barrel, or rolls off the end of a path, the barrel will be smashed, and you will lose 500 points. If you beat the highest score on the scoreboard during play, your score will be shown in red. Everything else should be pretty obvious. Restart Points: =============== This depends on the level set, if you are playing the supplied 'Original Baroll Levels' this is every 3 levels (1, 4, 7 etc). For the 'Easier Baroll Levels' this is every level. If you fail a level, the next time you 'Start Game' you get a choice to start at a restart if you got that far. If you exit the game, restarts will be lost. Changing the music: =================== If you don't like my music, it's understandable, to change: You will need IT, XM, S3M or MOD format, put it in the BDATA folder and rename it INTRO.? if you want it to be the intro music, or INGAME.? for in game or HIGHSC.? for highscores (Replace the '?' with the correct extension, ie. for S3M INGAME.S3M) Level Editor: ============= Press F1 for help in the level editor. Use the up/down arrows to change between back/path/over. Use the left/right arrow keys to change piece. BACK. This is the background graphics, they are just what the level looks like. PATH. These are the pieces the player can move about and the barrels roll along. OVER. These appear over the barrels and are used for start and end locations as well as tunnels etc. Zero (0) is a useful key as it toggles on/off the outside area. Nine (9) toggles placeability for an individual hex, a player cannot place a path on that hex. Keys 1 to 4 toggle a start location (set properties with F6), you should NOT put a path on here, and MUST be nonplaceable. Keys 5 to 8 toggle an end location (set properties with F6), you should NOT put a path on here, and MUST be nonplaceable. F6 Sets properties, times are in 60ths of a second. For Barrelspeed, 1 is fastest, 2 is half as fast as 1, 3 is half as fast as 2 etc... When you want to playtest, press the 'T' key, you can abort with ESC. Other keys are detailed in the F1 help. An example level EXAMPLE.BRL is included. The level TESTXYZ.BRL is created when you playtest a level, just ignore it. Making a set of levels: ====================== Use the Allegro grabber and add all your levels (.BRL files) as 'Other' or 'DATA', You will also need to add a text file that has the number of levels, the gap between restart points, and the full name of the set on the first line, The rest of the file should be a message you get for completing all the levels, each line separated by returns. Example: 20 3 Barrel Rolling for Beginners You are now a proficient Baroller! Well done on finishing. The levels should be called LEVEL01 LEVEL02 and so on in the grabber. The description textfile should be called CONTROL You will also need an 8bit RLE_SPRITE size 640*480 called END and the palette for it should be called ENDPAL This is show as the game complete sequence with the text over the top. Do not compress the datafile, and keep it in the BDATA folder. Load the EASYL1.DAT levels into the grabber for an example. All that remains is to add the datafile to the listfile which is called BDATA\LEVLIST.TXT, just add a line with the name of the datafile, like this: BEGINR.DAT You can add up to 32 sets. You can select which set is being played in the 'Options' in the game. Each set has its own highscores, like BEGINR.HIS. If you want to protect the levels, send me the level .DAT file, and I will return a passworded one. Making level graphics: ====================== This is slightly tricky, at the moment I would suggest emailing me about it. =================================================================== Compiled with MingW32: Uses Allegro WIP 3.9.30 by Shawn Hargreaves etc Uses MIDAS, the licence is included in the SOUNDFX folder